Health content and resources recommended by your clinician
View content prescribed to you by your clinician
Learn about health topics from clinically approved sources such as the NHS
Save healthcare content to Healthinote
Share trusted health information to help other patients become more informed about their health
We want you to know exactly how our services work and why we need your details. Reviewing our privacy policy will help you continue using Healthinote with peace of mind.
Points to note
The resources on Healthinote are for information only and do not constitute or replace medical guidance from healthcare professionals which should always be sought for individual advice.
Be aware that your doctor or nurse might send you health information that refers to details about your health and care needs by this platform. It is important that you take precautions to keep your login details private.
To further secure your account we recommend the use of a second form of authentication (known as multi-factor authentication). This can be setup from the account settings page.